The development of Marvel’s Avengers is coming to a close. In a blog post, developer Crystal Dynamics announced that the game won’t receive any new updates after March 31st, with support ending on September 30th (via IGN).
While you’ll still be able to play the game in both single-player and multiplayer mode, Crystal Dynamics says it “can’t guarantee that we will be able to address issues that occur” after support ends.
The last — and final — balance update will take place in March, and from then on, all cosmetics, including “every Outfit, Takedown, and Nameplate” will be available for free and without the purchase of credits. Any remaining credits “will be converted into in-game resources,” Crystal Dynamics says. It also provides a chart for the types and number of resources you’ll get based on the credits you have, which you can see below.
Over the years, Crystal Dynamics added more characters to its lineup, including Black Panther, The Mighty Thor, and Kate Bishop. Marvel’s Avengers’ last update took place in November and saw the addition of the Cloning Lab Omega-Level Threat mission and the Winter Soldier. Unfortunately, Crystal Dynamics says Spider-Man will remain a PlayStation exclusive.
“We know this is disappointing news as everyone in our community has such a connection to these characters and their stories,” Crystal Dynamics’ post reads. “We’re so, so grateful that you came on this adventure with us.”
While users will still be able to purchase used physical copies of Marvel’s Avengers for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One after September 30th, the game will no longer be available for purchase online.